What's Next?
Your Time is What You Make of it

Prison does not have to be as bad as you might think of it - or as it is portrayed on television. Always remember that your time is what you make of it. The only ones that are typically involved in violence are the ones that are looking for drama, play politicas or speak out on somebody.

Rule #1 - Never Steal

Never steal from other inmates. This may sound counter intuitive considering where you are, but the one that that'll be sure to get your beaten is stealing from another inmate.

Who Can I Trust?

Do not trust anyone! This applies to inmates, prison staff and the guards. If someone is nice to you, it probably means that they want something from you. Nothing in prison is free. If someone approaches you, there is most likely an ulterior motive.

It is OK to talk with the guards and staff, but take care in what you way. Everything you say, no matter how insignificatant is may seem can be twisted and used against you.

Who Can I Turn To For Help?

Try and make as many friends as possible. Some inmates may be aggressive or rude to you, in which case, keep your distance from those inmates. But always be polite and never hassle anyone for anything. Having friends can help you get out of trouble with other inmates should the need arise.

Respect Other Inmates

Always show respect for other inmates. Never insult anyone's manhood unless you want a quick trip to the hospital or graveyard.

Stay out of other inmate's cells unless you re invited and you might even want to decline such invitations - politely. Take care about entering someone's boundaries and personal space.

Avoid Gangs, Drugs and Gambling

A common myth is to join a gang as soon as you get inside prison walls for protection. But, to gain that protection you have to do unspeakable things. In reality, joining a gang, doing drugs, or participating in gambling are three of the easiest ways to get yourself murdered.

Most fatalities in prison are with gang members. They also have the highest rates of stabbings and fights.

Getting caught doing drugs in prison will get you solitary confinement, additional time added to your sentence, or moved to a higher security prison. Best to stay away from drugs while doing your time.

Gambling will get you in debt. Being in debt in prison puts you in a situation where you may be required to do certain tasks such as holding drugs, hiding contraband in your cell, etc.